How To Write a THREEx Module ============================ You can find a sample threex module in [threex.sample repo](, You could just grab it and modify it if you see fit. Let's come back on writing your own from scratch. First you declare ```THREEx``` namespace. This will works whenever ```THREEx``` is already defined or not. Thus you dont have any dependancy. This is a [vendor.js]() namespace, so to say. ``` /** * declare THREEx namespace */ var THREEx = THREEx || {}; ``` Then you declare your module, up to you to know what it is supposed to do. But if you could document it, i would be grateful :) If you look for a format, see [jsdoc]( ``` /** * THREEx module to do super things */ THREEx.SuperModule = function( /* arguments... */ ){ // here you put your own thing }; ``` If needed, you can have a ```.destroy()``` function to act as explicit destructor ``` this.destroy = function(){ // here, clean things up } ``` ## To Update Rendering of Your Module If this module needs to be updated at each render, provide a function to update the rendering of your module. ``` /** * function to be called at every render update * @param {Number} delta number of seconds since last update * @param {Number} now Number of seconds since the begining */ this.update = function(delta, now){ // ... here you update the rendering of your module } ``` ### More Cooked Version If you got many stuff to update, it may be nice to have an actual rendering loop, like this one. ``` /** * All Update Functions * @type {Array} */ var onRenderFcts = [] /** * function to be called at every render update * @param {Number} delta number of seconds since last update * @param {Number} now Number of seconds since the begining */ this.update = function(delta, now){ onRenderFcts.forEach(function(updateFct){ updateFct(delta, now) }) } ``` To add a function in this update loop, do ``` onRenderFcts.push(function callback(delta, now){ // here you update a part of your module }) ``` to remove a function in this update loop, you can do ``` onRenderFcts.splice(onRenderFcts.indexOf(callback),1) ``` ## To Update The Physics Of Your Module Same as for updating rendering, but replace ```update``` by ```tick``` everywhere :) ## Folders Hierarchie Some guidelines on how to organize your files: * ```/examples``` contains the examples for your module * it contains all the files which are used only by the examples. html files, js files, all files. * in principle the extension must be fully usable without ```/examples``` folder * ```/``` contains a readme about your module. For more on readme, see [Readme Driven Development]( * maybe a ```/threex.supermodule.js``` file which contains the js code of your module * If your module is too complex for a single file, for example you could do * ```/threex.supermodule.js``` the main file for your module * ```/threex.supermodulecontrols.js``` for the controls of your module * ```/threex.supermodulesounds.js``` for the sounds of your module * and so on * you should put extensions assets in ```/```. your images assets in ```/images``` your sounds assets in ```/sounds``` your models in ```/models```, you get the idea. * put examples assets in ```/examples``` ### Why i like this organisation ? * it is aimed at being clear for a new developper. * thus all the files and directories used by the extension are at the ```/```. It made it clear for a new developper to see the architecture of your extension. * filenames are based on their content. So it is easy to find the code you look for. ## How To Handle Dependencies With several files, it may become interesting to handle dependancy, for that, [require.js]( is recommended. You can provide a ```/package.require.js``` file. This file will require all the files of your modules. Thus the developper using your module just have to require this file to get the dependancies of your modules. for examples ``` define( [ './threex.supermodule', , './threex.supermodulecontrols', , './threex.supermodulesounds', ], function(){ // ... this is called when dependancies are loaded }); ``` ## How To Localize Your Assets Sometime a modules need assets, e.g. you got a module for a spaceship in a game, it will need a model for the ship itself, some sounds for the reactors, and some images for the explosions when the ship fire. When you load the assets, you need to localise them. How to do that ? A simple way is to define a baseUrl which depends on the module location, for example. ``` THREEx.SuperModule.baseUrl = "../"; ``` And now every time you needs to load one of your assets you build the url like that. ``` var imageUrl = THREEx.SuperModule.baseUrl+'/images/explosion.jpg'; ``` Up to you to set the ```.baseUrl```. You may set manually or automatically with require.js with the following code in your ```package.require.js``` file. ``` define( [ 'module' ], function(module){ // set baseUrl for this module THREEx.SuperModule.baseUrl = module.uri+'/../'; }); ``` ## Bower To Publish Threex Modules Here is how to publish your module. ``` bower register threex.supermodule ``` Here is how to install a module. ``` bower install threex.supermodule ``` Here is how to get the list of all threex modules. ``` bower search threex. ```