How To Make Games in THREE.js
and having fun in the process :)
- Creating an basic 3d object and animate it
- Build a Map with existing extensions
- How to add sounds in your games
- how to link your webgl with usual web content
Plan (bis)
- Some Tricks from minigames
- What we could do soon in the future
- how to handle mobile
THREE.js For Games
What is THREE.js
- Display 3D graphics in Web Browser
- Effort led by mrdoob
- Large community
- 100kbyte after gzip
- homepage
General Presentations
- Focus on displaying 3d
- scene graph
- import assets from many file formats
- post processing
- Many renderers
So Many Things Can't list them all
But game is more than that.
THREE.js for Games
- use extensions and other libraries
- handle physics and collision
- handle sounds
- handle inputs
- handle effects
- etc...
Packaged as THREEx Extensions
What is THREEx ?
- Ultra light extension system for three.js
- threex on github - 40 modules and counting

Three.js seems ok... but
How to make a game with it
In all game you need a hero
A virtual self for the player to interact with
So lets do just that, lets create a hero
"A Hero is Born!"
or How to Build Simple 3D Objects
Lets Mold Our Hero
- We gonna go for something simple
- Very blocky
- Very lego like
- We go for minecraft character
- (hint: trick because i dunno how to use a modeler :) )
So Let's Start with a cube
How to create a cube ?

How to create a cube ?
Here is the code
var geometry = new THREE.CubeGeometry(1,1,1)
var material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial()
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material)
First the Geometry
- Geometry is
the shape of the object
- create a cube with dimension 1,1,1
var geometry = new THREE.CubeGeometry(1,1,1)
var material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial()
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material)
Other Predefined Geometry

Then Materials
"How the object reflect lights"
- Basic
- Lambert
- Phong
- Custom Shader
Well it is just a cube...
We Needs A Hero!
- Duplication same principle
- Cubes for everything
"All persons fictitious"
"All characters appearing in this work are fictitious.
Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead,
is purely coincidental."
Almost :)

I love the recursive jokes.
Player Animations

He is Gollem. My Frankenstein.
Oh damn! Turing was right!
He needs a purpose, a goal, a quest
He is looking for love, fame and justice
because that is what every video game hero is doing :)
Now that we got the player
a world where we can evolve
a world where Mike can become a man
"Mike Needs a World"
or How to use THREEx Games Extensions
What is THREEx ?
- light extension system ala vanilla.js
- as little dependancy as possible
- not a framework,
- more a bunch of convention
- DRY modules to help you write three.js stuff
THREEx Workflow
- support modern web workflow
- Support bower for install
- Support require.js for include
- Even support yeoman for boilerplates
Packages - install manual
- find the repository and copy the files
- no handling for dependancy
Packages - install with bower
Packages - install with bower
To install
bower install threex.planets
To search for more
bower search threex
Packages - include manual
- include all
with a <script>
- may need to init some variables
- e.g.
for asset location
- js minification is on yoou
Packages - include with require.js
- just require the
- it does a bunch of things for you
- includes all
- setup asset location
- handle js minification
Now we got principles, lets see some extensions
Grass Ground
threex.grassground -

Install it
bower install threex.grassground
Include it
<script src='threex.grassground.js'></script>
Use it
var groundMesh = new THREEx.GrassGround()
Perlin Terrain ?
threex.terrain -

Montain Arena
threex.montainsarena -

include it
<script src='threex.montainsarena.js'></script>
Use it
var mesh = new THREEx.MontainsArena()
Day And Night
threex.daynight -

include it
<script src='threex.daynight.js'></script>
Use it
var sunLight = new THREEx.DayNight.SunLight()
scene.add( sunLight.object3d )
Update it
Physics and Three.js
- not in three.js itself
- realtime 3d physics is HARD
- It is a project in itself
- keep them separate
- but interact well with it
"Mike Goes Party"
or how to add sounds in your games
Web Audio API
- New Sound API - Aimed for game
- Based on OpenAL - So Rather complex
- sound localisation
- Dopler
- convolver
- Great Accuracy - no latency
- very little cpu consumption
Maybe a little helper could helps
- make Web Audio Api easy to use for gamedevs
- provide the typical cases
- no need to understand the whole Web Audio API
How to get it
- webaudiox on github
- or via
bower install webaudiox
Basic Usage
Initialize sound context
var gameSounds = new WebAudiox.GameSounds()
Load the Sound
gameSounds.createSound().load('mysound.ogg', function(sound){
// here the sound is loaded
Play it;
Sound Localisation - Good For 3D
Set the listener as player object3d
Play Sound at a given position in space{
follow : explosionMesh
"Mike Goes Home And Play Video Games"
or how to link your webgl with usual web content
here is a virtual game console
you can play games inside a game
if you go close to the TV, the camera becomes centered on the tv and you can enjoy your play
but still the actual games is going on around us
see with the day night cycle
Nice! How the tv set is done ?
Display actual web content
- able to seamlessly display web content in webgl
Contains mouse events on 3d events
- player able to interact with 3d elements
The whole shebang
How the mouse interacts with 3d object ?
Install it
bower install threex.text
Use it
var mesh = new THREEx.Text('THREEx')
Install it
bower install threex.domevents
Init it
var domEvents = new THREEx.DomEvents(camera)
Bind click
event on a mesh
domEvents.addEventListener(mesh, 'click', function(){
console.log('you clicked on the mesh')
}, false)
How to seamlessly include web page ?
Initialize it
var mixerContext = new THREEx.HtmlMixer.Context(renderer, scene, camera)
onRenderFcts.push(function(delta, now){
mixerContext.update(delta, now)
Use it on a domElement - typically an iframe
var mixerPlane = new THREEx.HtmlMixer.Plane(mixerContext, domElement)
What about Those Mini Games ?
MiniGame - PongGL

MiniGame - Marble Table

MiniGame - Stellar7

After playing video games,
Mike gets tired and he starts to daydream
"What would be the best video game for me?"
"I am young and full of energy"
"I like games and i lack girls"
He wants to create a girl for himself
A Game where people could find their match parterns
Here is what is in mike head
"Mike Thinks about Diana"
or "what could be the future of webgl games"
Diana's Avatar
- top notch avatar all in three.js
- Quite Sexy
- Designer wasnt thinking about his gramma
What if we made a dating game ?
Diana's Eyes
- Very realistic
- "the eyes are the window of the soul"
- important to convey feelings
- All in custom Shaders
Occulus drift ?

Already Available in THREE.js

Leap Motion Device
- leapjs - JavaScript client for the Leap Motion Controller
- 100euro
- people able to share live
- with alternative personna
- open standard
- audio/video conference
- p2p so cheap to run
- realistic visual rendering - three.js
- immersive 3d glasses - occulus drift
- instinctive inputs - leap motions
- All are off-the-self devices
- How long before somebody code this ?
- My bet is one year max
He can't stop thinking about diana
He want to share every moment of his life
Even when he is on the go
"Mike wants Diana on his Mobile"
or WebGL on mobile
Mobile Are Not Desktop
- on desktop, keyboard, mouse and large screen
- on mobile, touch screen and small screen
ALL UI is Changed
WebGL Support on Mobile
- not widely supported yet...
- not all OS
- great difference between devices
Not Easy Yet
THREE.js Games Mobile
Works on Mobile
What if my device doesn't support WebGL ?
Cloud Gaming ?
To save the day
What are we gonna talk about ?
- Possible solution for cloud gaming
- apply to any webgl games
- cheap idea for cloud gaming for webgl
- full slides
status : experimental, naive but working surprisingly well!
Demo Time
Youtube video here
What is Cloud Gaming ?
- wikipedia definition
- It is new. no widely accepted definition
- usually implies render on server feature
Trying to run a game written for device A
on a device B, typically dumber than A.
Our Goal
- To display a webgl game
- on a non-webgl player mobil device
Simple Enough...
Theory Of Operations - Server
- a renderer browser web running the game on a server
- take regular screenshots with .toDataUrl()
- Send them to the player device via echo server
- mobile phone, tablette whatever.
Theory Of Operations - Player
- player can see webgl rendering on any device
- player uses touch screen as inputs
- inputs are then sent to the server
- server send them back to the renderer.
Theory Of Operations - Output
- browser receives inputs from the player.
- player sees what is displayed in the browser.
we got the whole loop
Theory Of Operations - Results
- This is actual cloud gaming!
- Simple implementation
- Less than 24h to write!
- left as an exercice to the reader :)
- Depends about too many factors
- screen resolution, screen size
- network bandwidth, network latency
- servers cost
On Wifi, i had 30fps, ymmv
"Mike Concludes His Talk"
or the end
We have seen what three.js could do for Games
how to handle sounds in 3d with Web Audio API
seen how to link your web content in your webgl
what could be done in the future
So i hope convinced you :)
three.js is a reasonable alternative
to build a 3d game on web